I supported the teachers striking because I believe that teachers have earn higher pay as well as job safety; teachers that have been teachering more then ten years they can't just be fired right on the spot. I also agreed with teachers saying that they need did need less students in their classes as well as better school buildings; teaching in a class room when it's 100 degrees outside just think of the danger you're not just putting yourself in, but all the students you teach. I agreed with the teachers and their reasons, but the time sent on strike didn't help the students, and that is what I disagreed with; the teachers put students' lives at risk as well as their parents jobs. Many of the students' parents had to take time off from their jobs to watch out of their children, but they couldn't afford to take the time off, and the students were surround by the killings and crimes; the students could've got into doing crimes themselves or even worse killed by the criminals running free on the streets. I do think that the teachers were looking out for the safety as in the school, but not at home with their own parents, I also think that the teachers did take a somewhat bad route with the strike because I believe that they could've writen the school district or even the mayor, they would've still been teaching their students as well as keeping them safe. I think that the teachers were right just not going on strike was the best

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